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Game on May 5, 2022 at 19:22, 6 players
1. 279 pts Pacific
2. 134 pts HollyIvy
3. 71 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdensu   H2    76    76   subdean
 2. ?egltuy   I7    71   147   teughly
 3. abinstt  10C    65   212   battings
 4. aehiilv  13C    34   246   heavily
 5. aiklprs   6A    72   318   sparlike
 6. aceinry   A6    48   366   scenary
 7. eiortuv   2B    76   442   virtuose
 8. fginost   3G    44   486   fusting
 9. cdeemnt   8H    42   528   needment
10. aceiorw   L1    30   558   wincer
11. ?dehlno   M7    80   638   beholden
12. adoooru  12A    27   665   yaud
13. aegoowx   N8    56   721   nox
14. eeioqrw  L10    37   758   weir
15. aefimoo   5C    33   791   foam
16. agiijpr   4D    41   832   ja
17. egioorz  K11    45   877   grize
18. aeioopq   1L    27   904   wipe

Remaining tiles: aooooq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6673 FilePacific     2  7:52  -625  279     1.7873 HollyIvy    2  3:28  -770  134 
  2.7873 FileHollyIvy    2  3:28  -770  134     2.7565 queen66     1  1:22  -833   71 
  3.7565 Filequeen66     1  1:22  -833   71     3.7417 Mycophot    1  1:40  -833   71 
  4.7417 FileMycophot    1  1:40  -833   71            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileAAAAAA1118  1  1:57  -863   41     1.6673 Pacific     2  7:52  -625  279 
  6.  -  FileWWWWWW1122  1  1:50  -867   37            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1118  1  1:57  -863   41 
                                             2.  -  WWWWWW1122  1  1:50  -867   37 

On 1st draw, SUBDEAN H2 76 --- SUBDEAN a subordinate dean [n]
Other tops: UNBASED H2 76
Other moves: UNBASED H6 74, SUBDEAN H3 72, SUBDEAN H4 72, SUBDEAN H6 72, SUBDEAN H7 72

On 2nd draw, TEUG(H)LY I7 71 --- TEUGH tough [adv] --- TEUGHLY in a teugh manner [adv]
Other tops: TEUG(H)LY G7 71
Other moves: TEUG(H)LY G6 70, TEUG(H)LY I6 70, A(R)GUTELY 7H 62, UNGE(N)TLY 8G 62, U(N)GENTLY 8D 62

On 3rd draw, BATTINGS 10C 65 --- BATTING a sheet of cotton [n]
Other moves: ABSTINENT 8C 64, BANDITS 5E 40, SABIN H11 35, TUBAIST 3G 26, ANIS H12 23

On 4th draw, HEAVILY 13C 34 --- HEAVILY in a heavy manner [adv] --- HEAVY having much weight [adv]
Other moves: HAE I3 26, HALVED 5C 26, HIE I3 26, AHI 11C 25, AVE G6 25

On 5th draw, SPARLIKE 6A 72 --- SPARLIKE resembling a spar [adj]
Other moves: KLAP 12A 43, SPARK 12A 39, KALPIS 12G 35, KSAR 12A 35, PARK 12B 35

On 6th draw, SCENARY A6 48 --- SCENARY scenery [n]
Other tops: CLARITY E5 48
Other moves: CRAY 12A 39, CYANISE A1 39, RICEY 12A 38, RACY 12A 37, RICY 12A 37

On 7th draw, VIRTUOSE 2B 76 --- VIRTUOSA a female virtuoso [n]
Other tops: VITREOUS 2A 76, VOITURES 2A 76
Other moves: VOITURE J1 67, OUTRAVE C2 28, VOITURE D1 28, YOURT 12A 27, OVERT 14A 25

On 8th draw, FUSTING 3G 44 --- FUST to go mouldy [v]
Other moves: OFT 12C 29, GIFT 14B 28, SNIFT 14A 28, FUSING 3G 27, FUNGI 3G 26

On 9th draw, NEEDMENT 8H 42 --- NEEDMENT something needed [n]
Other moves: TEMED 14A 28, DEEM 5C 27, MEED 11D 27, MEED 5C 27, MELTED 12G 27

On 10th draw, WINCER L1 30 --- WINCER one that winces [n]
Other moves: AWE 12C 29, OWE 12C 29, CROWER D1 28, WINCE L1 28, ALEW H12 27
OWE 12C 29 Pacific

On 11th draw, (B)EHOLDEN M7 80 --- BEHOLDEN indebted [adj]
Other moves: ENH(A)LOED M8 74, HOWLED 1J 39, HOWD(I)E 1J 36, HOWL(E)D 1J 36, HOW(F)ED 1J 36
WHEN 1L 30 Pacific

On 12th draw, YAUD 12A 27 --- YAUD an old horse [n]
Other moves: ORAD L12 24, WARD 1L 24, WOAD 1L 24, WOOD 1L 24, WORD 1L 24
WOOD 1L 24 Pacific

On 13th draw, NOX N8 56 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: COX 7A 41, AX 9F 36, AXE N12 36, EX 9F 36, EXO N12 36
NOX N8 56 Pacific

On 14th draw, WEIR L10 37 --- WEIR a fence placed in a stream to catch fish [n] --- WEIR to guard [v]
Other tops: WEER L10 37
Other moves: WEINER 14J 34, WIENER 14J 34, WEE L10 33, EWER L12 29, OWER L12 29
WEER L10 37 HollyIvy, WWWWWW1122
QI G9 21 Pacific

On 15th draw, FOAM 5C 33 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FRAMER D1 30, WAIF 1L 30, WIFE 1L 30, WOOF 1L 30, FEOD K5 28
WOOF 1L 30 Pacific, Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66

On 16th draw, JA 4D 41 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: GRAIP K11 31, GAP K11 29, GRIP K11 29, WARP 1L 27, WRAP 1L 27
JA 4D 41 queen66, Mycophot, AAAAAA1118
WARP 1L 27 Pacific

On 17th draw, GRIZE K11 45 --- GRIZE a step [n]
Other moves: ZOO N13 40, ZO N13 38, L*Z H13 36, ZEE J6 35, TREZ J3 33
ZOO N13 40 HollyIvy
ZEE J6 35 Pacific

On 18th draw, WIPE 1L 27 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: CAP 7A 25, CEP 7A 25, COP 7A 25, PAID K5 24, POOD K5 24
WIPE 1L 27 HollyIvy, Pacific

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