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Game on April 6, 2023 at 01:18, 6 players
1. 269 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 203 pts roocatcher
3. 158 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?anpssu   H7    72    72   unsnaps
 2. ?aanotw   8H    92   164   nanowatt
 3. eghnort  11E    32   196   negator
 4. afhntux   G4    39   235   faux
 5. ddemnou   H1    39   274   domed
 6. abeeior   5E    40   314   beadier
 7. aeirruv   2H    36   350   ouvrier
 8. aegknoo   1L    57   407   knag
 9. deehiln  13F    84   491   enshield
10. aeiilmt   N4    64   555   militate
11. acijlrs  10J    53   608   jai
12. eglopuy  10B    40   648   pogey
13. acefosw  O11    38   686   faces
14. deioors   1A    83   769   odorised
15. anootwz   7K    51   820   nazi
16. bhiootw  14B    49   869   booth
17. eiltuwy   B1    42   911   dewily
18. cilqrtu  15A    37   948   qi
19. clrttuv   4A    22   970   virl

Remaining tiles: cttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6830 FileGLOBEMAN    2  9:35  -701  269     1.7624 roocatcher  2  6:10  -767  203 
  2.7624 Fileroocatcher  2  6:10  -767  203     2.7365 sunshine12  0  6:34  -812  158 
  3.7365 Filesunshine12  0  6:34  -812  158     3.7608 bumpkin     1  4:52  -834  136 
  4.7608 Filebumpkin     1  4:52  -834  136     4.7444 enzotiger   0  3:45  -859  111 
  5.7444 Fileenzotiger   0  3:45  -859  111     5.7310 FangTooth   1  3:11  -865  105 
  6.7310 FileFangTooth   1  3:11  -865  105            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6830 GLOBEMAN    2  9:35  -701  269 

On 1st draw, UNS(N)APS H7 72 --- UNSNAP to undo the snaps of [v]
Other tops: SAN(N)UPS H7 72, SA(N)NUPS H7 72, SUPA(W)NS H2 72, UN(H)ASPS H7 72, U(N)SNAPS H7 72
Other moves: SAN(N)UPS H2 68, SAN(N)UPS H3 68, SAN(N)UPS H4 68, SAN(N)UPS H6 68, SAN(N)UPS H8 68

On 2nd draw, NANOWAT(T) 8H 92 --- NANOWATT a unit of power [n]
Other tops: NANOWA(T)T 8H 92
Other moves: NA(N)OWAT(T) 10F 69, NA(N)OWA(T)T 10F 69, (N)ANOWAT(T) 10H 63, NANOWAT(T) 8F 61, (N)ANOWA(T)T 10H 61

On 3rd draw, NEGATOR 11E 32 --- NEGATOR one that negates [n]
Other moves: SHONE 9H 30, SHORE 9H 30, HATER I7 28, SHORTEN 13H 28, NOSHER 9F 27

On 4th draw, FAUX G4 39 --- FAUX not genuine; fake [adj]
Other tops: FAUX 12C 39
Other moves: FAX G5 38, UNTAX G3 38, FAX 12D 37, TAX G5 35, TUX G5 35

On 5th draw, DOMED H1 39 --- DOME to cover with a dome (a rounded roof) [v]
Other moves: MENUDO 10J 31, DOME H1 30, MAUNDED M7 30, MODE H1 30, MOUND 10J 30

On 6th draw, BEADIER 5E 40 --- BEADY resembling beads [adj]
Other moves: BEARE 10J 27, BOREE 10J 27, BA(N)E 10F 26, BA(N)I 10F 26, BIRO I2 26

On 7th draw, OUVRIER 2H 36 --- OUVRIER a worker [n]
Other moves: VARIER 12A 30, VERRA 4A 28, PAREV 12H 26, VAIRE 12A 26, VERRA 12A 26
VARIER 12A 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 8th draw, KNAG 1L 57 --- KNAG a peg [n]
Other moves: KAON 1L 54, KOAN 1L 54, GOOK 1L 42, KENO O1 38, KAGO 10J 37
KANG 10J 37 sunshine12

On 9th draw, ENSHIELD 13F 84 --- ENSHIELD to shield [v]
Other moves: HEADLINE M6 80, HELED 10J 36, HELED 6J 36, HEILED 10J 35, HEILED 6J 35
HELED 6J 36 sunshine12

On 10th draw, MILITATE N4 64 --- MILITATE to have influence or effect [v]
Other moves: MILI(T)ATE O4 62, MA(N)ET 10F 33, A(N)IME 10G 29, LEMA(N) 10D 27, LIMA(N) 10D 27
MA(N)ET 10F 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, JAI 10J 53 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other tops: JAR 10J 53
Other moves: JA 10J 52, AJAR M8 40, JAILS 14B 32, JARLS 14B 32, SCAIL O11 32
JA 4D 22 sunshine12

On 12th draw, POGEY 10B 40 --- POGEY any form of government relief [n]
Other moves: POLEY 10B 39, GLUEY 10B 36, POGEY 12A 33, ELOGY O11 32, PLOY 10C 32
POGEY 10B 40 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, bumpkin

On 13th draw, FACES O11 38 --- FACE to oppose or meet defiantly [v]
Other moves: AESC 12L 36, SOWCE O11 35, EFS 14I 34, FECAL 6J 33, CAFE 14D 32
WOOFS C9 30 roocatcher, enzotiger

On 14th draw, ODORISED 1A 83 --- ODORISE to make odorous [v]
Other moves: ODORISES 15H 80, ODORISE 14A 76, OROIDE 14B 31, REDIP 12D 31, OROIDE 14J 29
EDS 14I 22 roocatcher, bumpkin

On 15th draw, NAZI 7K 51 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other moves: WAZOO 4A 46, ZA 9C 45, WOOTZ C9 42, ZONA 6B 37, TOAZE 14K 35
ZA 9C 45 bumpkin, roocatcher, enzotiger

On 16th draw, BOOTH 14B 49 --- BOOTH a small enclosure [n]
Other moves: WOOSH 9E 37, HOW 2A 34, WISH 9F 33, BOHO 14D 32, WHO 14E 32
BOHO 14D 32 FangTooth
BOH 14D 29 bumpkin, roocatcher

On 17th draw, DEWILY B1 42 --- DEWILY in a dewy manner [adv]
Other moves: WEY 15A 36, WYE 15A 36, YEW 15A 36, WEY 2A 34, YEW 2A 34
YEW 15A 36 enzotiger, FangTooth, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, QI 15A 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 4A 21, CIRL 4A 18, QI O3 17, KILT L1 16, OCTROI C10 16
QI 15A 37 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, FangTooth

On 19th draw, VIRL 4A 22 --- VIRL a metal ring or cap put around a shaft to prevent splitting [n]
Other moves: TRUST 9E 19, CIRL 4A 18, KILT L1 16, VROT D12 16, VROU D12 16

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