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Game on April 8, 2023 at 03:10, 6 players
1. 265 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 165 pts roocatcher
3. 145 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aadopu   H4    22    22   posada
 2. efimoru   G7    36    58   femur
 3. aceiltu  11G    70   128   reticula
 4. efiloqs   L8    44   172   fiques
 5. dgiiost  12D    28   200   odist
 6. addeint   M3    84   284   nidated
 7. ?enottz  N10    68   352   zante
 8. cehnoru   J5    67   419   unheroic
 9. ?eeorwy   O8    72   491   weary
10. ajlmnop   L2    41   532   jalop
11. aeinrst  15H    89   621   retinas
12. egiklrv   N2    34   655   liger
13. egiotuv  14B    78   733   outgive
14. behinrx  13A    40   773   nix
15. abilowy   F8    42   815   way
16. aghilms   A7    39   854   mashlin
17. abegnoo   B2    30   884   boonga
18. beekorv   E4    42   926   reebok

Remaining tile: v

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6761 FileGLOBEMAN    2  9:05  -661  265     1.7622 roocatcher  0  6:27  -761  165 
  2.7622 Fileroocatcher  0  6:27  -761  165     2.7316 sunshine12  0  5:45  -781  145 
  3.7316 Filesunshine12  0  5:45  -781  145     3.7368 FangTooth   1  2:47  -804  122 
  4.7368 FileFangTooth   1  2:47  -804  122     4.7427 bumpkin     1  4:23  -819  107 
  5.7427 Filebumpkin     1  4:23  -819  107     5.7615 enzotiger   0  3:42  -885   41 
  6.7615 Fileenzotiger   0  3:42  -885   41            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6761 GLOBEMAN    2  9:05  -661  265 

On 1st draw, PO(S)ADA H4 22 --- POSADA an inn [n]
Other tops: APODA(L) H3 22, PADAU(K) H4 22, PADOU(K) H4 22, PA(G)ODA H4 22, UP(L)OAD H3 22
Other moves: PAD(M)A H4 20, PA(G)OD H4 20, PA(G)ODA H8 20, PA(N)DA H4 20, PODA(L) H4 20

On 2nd draw, FEMUR G7 36 --- FEMUR a bone in the leg [n]
Other moves: FEM G7 34, FIER G7 27, FIE G7 26, FOE G7 26, FORUM G9 26

On 3rd draw, RETICULA 11G 70 --- RETICULA netlike structures [n] --- RETICULUM a netlike structure [n]
Other moves: AURICLE 11E 36, CURTAIL 11E 36, UTRICLE 11E 36, ECLAT H11 32, CAUTEL I9 22

On 4th draw, FIQUES L8 44 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: FIQUE L8 42, FLOOSIE 5E 40, QUOIFS L10 38, FALSIE N10 34, FILOSE 12C 34
QUOIFS L10 38 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 5th draw, ODIST 12D 28 --- ODIST one who writes odes [n]
Other moves: DIGITS 12B 27, TIFOSI 8J 27, DIGS I5 25, DOGS I5 25, IDIOTS 12B 25
SILT M9 21 roocatcher

On 6th draw, NIDATED M3 84 --- NIDATE to become implanted in the uterus [v]
Other moves: NIDATED K3 76, DILATED M9 44, DILATE M9 40, DETAINED 8A 33, DAFTIE 8J 30
QADI 10L 27 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, ZANTE N10 68 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other tops: ZANTE(S) N10 68
Other moves: ZANT(E) N10 66, ZAN(T)E N10 66, ZAN(Z)E N10 66, ZA(N)TE N10 66, ZA(Z)EN N10 66
(R)ITZ 4L 44 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 8th draw, UNHEROIC J5 67 --- UNHEROIC not heroic [adj]
Other moves: CHORE O8 58, ECHO O7 38, HEN N6 35, HER N6 35, HOE N6 35
HON N6 35 roocatcher

On 9th draw, WE(A)RY O8 72 --- WEARY tired [adj] --- WEARY to make or become weary [v]
Other moves: (R)EWORE O7 52, ERE(N)OW N1 51, REWO(R)E O7 51, RE(N)EW N2 49, RE(N)EY N2 49
YORE O12 46 sunshine12

On 10th draw, JALOP L2 41 --- JALOP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: JALOP K1 36, JIMP 4L 36, JAM L2 34, JAP L2 34, PAM F8 34
JIMP 4L 36 sunshine12

On 11th draw, RETINAS 15H 89 --- RETINA a membrane of the eye [n]
Other tops: RATINES 15H 89, RETAINS 15H 89
Other moves: STRAINED E5 86, AIREST 15J 36, TRANSE 15J 36, TISANE N2 35, ANISE 15K 33

On 12th draw, LIGER N2 34 --- LIGER the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger [n]
Other moves: GLIKE 11A 32, GRIKE 11A 32, LIKE 11B 28, VIRGE 11A 27, KI 11D 24
KIER 13A 18 sunshine12

On 13th draw, OUTGIVE 14B 78 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: VOUGE 11A 27, VOGIE 11A 26, VEGO 11B 25, VOGIE 13A 23, VOGUE 13A 23
VEGO 13A 18 sunshine12

On 14th draw, NIX 13A 40 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: EX 15A 36, HIRE 15A 31, XI 15A 29, XI O1 29, BENI 15A 28

On 15th draw, WAY F8 42 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other moves: BAY F8 40, LAY F8 36, AY F9 31, BOYLA 11A 28, WIT I9 25
WAY F8 42 GLOBEMAN, FangTooth, bumpkin
YU 10F 13 enzotiger

On 16th draw, MASHLIN A7 39 --- MASHLIN a mixed grain [n]
Other moves: MALIGN A8 33, MALS O1 33, MILS O1 33, GALS O1 30, MIHA 11B 29
MAID E9 28 FangTooth, bumpkin, enzotiger

On 17th draw, BOONGA B2 30 --- BOONGA (New Zealand) offensive word for a Pacific Islander [n]
Other moves: GENOA B6 27, BOONGA E3 26, GAED E9 25, OBOE B7 25, BONGO E4 24
BAG E7 21 FangTooth

On 18th draw, REEBOK E4 42 --- REEBOK a South African Antelope [n]
Other moves: BOK A1 37, KOB A1 35, KERB C1 32, KERVE C7 32, KEB C7 31
BOK A1 37 bumpkin
KEB C7 31 FangTooth

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