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Game on August 20, 2023 at 02:09, 6 players
1. 320 pts roocatcher
2. 106 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 63 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adehjv   H4    48    48   jehad
 2. ?elnoou   8A    77   125   unloosed
 3. acehrsw   B5    76   201   crenshaw
 4. ?fiimtu   5E    44   245   fumetti
 5. aabgips   4H    35   280   jaaps
 6. ainptvy  A11    43   323   pavin
 7. egiklot   G8    69   392   eklogite
 8. aaelrtz  15D    48   440   alteza
 9. deiinot  14I    76   516   edition
10. adirtux  13K    46   562   taxi
11. eeginry  15N    33   595   ny
12. agimnrw  C11    32   627   warm
13. eefgirs   9G    32   659   kifs
14. bdegoot   I1    22   681   togated
15. bcdeiru   1D    42   723   brucite
16. elnorsy   D7    47   770   sorely
17. denoqru   L9    34   804   quorate
18. degnorv  11I    24   828   grooved
19. beeinno   O6    27   855   binned

Remaining tiles: eo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6903 Fileroocatcher  1  7:52  -535  320     1.7311 GLOBEMAN    1  3:02  -749  106 
  2.7311 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:02  -749  106     2.7141 sunshine12  0  3:33  -792   63 
  3.7141 Filesunshine12  0  3:33  -792   63     3.7603 enzotiger   1  0:58  -812   43 
  4.7603 Fileenzotiger   1  0:58  -812   43     4.7508 lazy.lion   0  1:53  -824   31 
  5.7508 Filelazy.lion   0  1:53  -824   31     5.7459 bumpkin     0  0:15  -827   28 
  6.7459 Filebumpkin     0  0:15  -827   28            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6903 roocatcher  1  7:52  -535  320 

On 1st draw, JEHAD H4 48 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other tops: JEHAD(I) H4 48, JEHAD(S) H4 48
Other moves: JEH(A)D H4 46, J(E)HAD H4 46, J(I)HAD H4 46, J(I)VED H4 46, JAVE(L) H4 44
J(I)VED H4 46 roocatcher

On 2nd draw, UNLOO(S)ED 8A 77 --- UNLOOSE to set free [v]
Other tops: UNLOO(K)ED 8A 77, UN(C)OOLED 8A 77, UN(F)OOLED 8A 77
Other moves: UNLOO(S)E 9C 75, NODULO(S)E 8F 58, (C)OLONE I3 28, O(H)ONE I4 26, (A)LONE I4 26
JOULE 4H 24 roocatcher

On 3rd draw, CRENSHAW B5 76 --- CRENSHAW a variety of honeydew melon [n]
Other moves: CHEWERS G6 39, CHEWER G6 38, CHEWS G6 37, AREW I4 36, CHEW G6 36
CHEWERS G6 39 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 4th draw, FUME(T)TI 5E 44 --- FUMETTO a cartoon [n]
Other tops: FUMET(T)I 5E 44
Other moves: MIFT(Y) 9G 40, FI(L)MI 9G 39, FI(L)UM 9G 39, MIF(F) 9G 39, FI(L)M 9G 38
FAM(E) 7G 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 5th draw, JAAPS 4H 35 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: PAISA A11 34, BIAS 9E 32, PIAS 9E 32, SPAG 13B 31, AIGAS 9G 29
SPAG 13B 31 lazy.lion
BAP 6D 28 bumpkin

On 6th draw, PAVIN A11 43 --- PAVIN a slow, stately dance [n]
Other tops: PANTY A11 43
Other moves: TIVY 9G 35, PAINT A11 34, PATIN A11 34, AYIN A12 30, IVY 9H 30
PANTY A11 43 enzotiger, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, EKLOGITE G8 69 --- EKLOGITE a crystalline rock [n]
Other moves: LIKE 9G 34, TIKE 9G 34, EIK 9G 33, MOKE G5 31, TIGE 9G 28
LEK C11 25 roocatcher

On 8th draw, ALTEZA 15D 48 --- ALTEZA highness [n]
Other tops: TEAZEL 15C 48
Other moves: RAZEE 15D 45, TEAZEL 15F 45, TEAZLE 15F 45, LEAZE 15F 42, TEAZE 15F 42
TREZ 15E 39 roocatcher

On 9th draw, EDITION 14I 76 --- EDITION the number of copies printed at the one time [n] --- EDITION to produce multiple copies of an art work [v]
Other moves: TENIOID 14I 72, TOLIDINE 10E 63, LIONET C8 33, ENOKI 9D 31, IDENT C10 29
DENT C11 22 roocatcher

On 10th draw, TAXI 13K 46 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: DUX 13K 45, TAX 13K 42, TIX 13K 42, TUX 13K 42, XU 15N 42
DUX 13K 45 roocatcher

On 11th draw, NY 15N 33 --- NY to approach [v]
Other tops: EYEN C10 33, EYER C10 33, EYNE C10 33, LIERNE C8 33
Other moves: KING 9G 27, ENERGY 6J 26, GINGERY 12D 26, GREY 4C 26, KIER 9G 26
NY 15N 33 roocatcher

On 12th draw, WARM C11 32 --- WARM moderately hot [adj] --- WARM to raise the temperature [v]
Other moves: MAWN C11 31, MAWR C11 31, INARM C10 30, WANG C11 30, MAW C11 29

On 13th draw, KIFS 9G 32 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: KIF 9G 31, REIKS 9D 31, KIEFS 9G 30, KIEF 9G 29, EIKS 9E 28

On 14th draw, TOGA(T)ED I1 22 --- TOGATED wearing a toga [adj]
Other tops: BA(T)ED I3 22, BEG 6D 22, PAWED 11A 22
Other moves: BOA(T)ED I2 21, DEG 6D 21, BEG 4D 20, BOG 4D 20, GA(T)ED I3 20

On 15th draw, BRUCITE 1D 42 --- BRUCITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: CREDIT 1D 36, CURIET 1D 33, DIRECT 1D 33, BRUITED 1E 30, OBDURE 2I 30

On 16th draw, SORELY D7 47 --- SORELY in a sore manner [adv]
Other moves: ONELY D8 45, SNYE D10 45, LYE D11 43, NYE D11 43, SYE D11 43

On 17th draw, QUORATE L9 34 --- QUORATE having a quorum [adj]
Other moves: QUATE L11 30, ENDURO 8J 29, UNDOER 8J 29, UNDOER 2A 28, QUAT L11 26
QAT L12 24 roocatcher

On 18th draw, GROOVED 11I 24 --- GROOVE to form a groove (a long, narrow depression) [v]
Other tops: OVERDOG 11G 24
Other moves: GROVE 6K 23, GROVED 11J 22, ORGONE 2I 22, OROGEN 2I 22, VEG 4D 22

On 19th draw, BINNED O6 27 --- BIN to store in a large receptacle [v]
Other tops: BEEDI O8 27
Other moves: BONED O7 24, OBIED O7 24, BE 10N 23, BI 10N 23, BO 10N 23
BO 10N 23 roocatcher

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