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Game on September 28, 2023 at 03:03, 6 players
1. 155 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 122 pts roocatcher
3. 106 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdeemr   H3    78    78   embread
 2. aaelnrs  10F    73   151   arsenal
 3. ?iikotu   L8    30   181   kilobit
 4. dgilouy   8L    27   208   kudo
 5. efloptx  13G    40   248   exploit
 6. enqstuw  N10    85   333   quest
 7. adehinn  H12    39   372   axed
 8. aceghpt   N2    46   418   patched
 9. aefijlr   M3    38   456   ja
10. aeehlor   O1    42   498   hare
11. deeiist   6D    65   563   siderite
12. abegint   J3    62   625   battening
13. aennouy   L2    37   662   nay
14. fgilosw   5C    27   689   figo
15. aefgimu   4B    31   720   fem
16. ilnorru   3A    23   743   nor
17. acirsuv  11A    24   767   vraics
18. gilnoou  A11    30   797   vulgo
19. lnnouww  D10    32   829   winnow
20. iloruvy  14A    42   871   groovy

Remaining tiles: iiluz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6963 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:23  -716  155     1.7032 roocatcher  2  5:25  -749  122 
  2.7032 Fileroocatcher  2  5:25  -749  122     2.7392 sunshine12  1  4:01  -765  106 
  3.7392 Filesunshine12  1  4:01  -765  106     3.7572 lazy.lion   1  4:36  -774   97 
  4.7572 Filelazy.lion   1  4:36  -774   97     4.7927 enzotiger   0  1:25  -841   30 
  5.7927 Fileenzotiger   0  1:25  -841   30     5.7417 bumpkin     1  1:32  -848   23 
  6.7417 Filebumpkin     1  1:32  -848   23            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6963 GLOBEMAN    1  6:23  -716  155 

On 1st draw, EMBRE(A)D H3 78 --- EMBREAD to braid [v]
Other tops: BEM(I)RED H2 78, BEM(I)RED H4 78, BER(I)MED H4 78, BER(I)MED H8 78, BRE(A)MED H4 78, BRE(A)MED H8 78, EMBRE(A)D H2 78, EMBR(U)ED H2 78, EMBR(U)ED H3 78, REMB(L)ED H2 78, (A)MBERED H2 78, (A)MBERED H3 78, (U)MBERED H2 78, (U)MBERED H3 78
Other moves: BEM(I)RED H6 76, BER(I)MED H6 76, BRE(A)MED H6 76, EMBRE(A)D H6 76, EMBR(U)ED H6 76

On 2nd draw, ARSENAL 10F 73 --- ARSENAL a collection or supply of weapons [n]
Other moves: ARSENAL G9 63, ARSENAL I9 63, ADRENALS 9G 62, ARABLES 5E 36, RANSEL 10E 22

On 3rd draw, KILO(B)IT L8 30 --- KILOBIT a unit of computer information [n]
Other moves: KILTI(E) L8 28, KIL(L)UT L8 28, KILI(M) L8 26, KILO(S) L8 26, KILT(S) L8 26

On 4th draw, KUDO 8L 27 --- KUDO award; honor [n]
Other tops: DAY K9 27, GAY K9 27, KILD 8L 27
Other moves: EDGILY 3H 26, GODLY 11K 26, GOLDY 11K 26, GOODY 11K 26, GOUTILY 14I 26

On 5th draw, EXPLOIT 13G 40 --- EXPLOIT to take advantage of [v]
Other tops: EXO 11J 40, OXO 11J 40
Other moves: EXO I2 39, FOREX 6F 39, FOX I1 38, FOX M13 38, FOXIE 13I 38

On 6th draw, QUEST N10 85 --- QUEST to make a search [v]
Other moves: SEQUENT 3G 54, SUQ N13 41, NEWTS 15H 39, QAT K9 39, WENTS 15H 39

On 7th draw, AXED H12 39 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: HENNAED 3G 32, HENNA 12D 30, HAED G4 28, HEARD G7 28, HENNAED 3C 28

On 8th draw, PATCHED N2 46 --- PATCH to mend or cover a hole or weak spot in [v]
Other moves: EATCHE 3C 30, EPHA G2 30, PAH K9 30, HAP K9 29, PACHA 12D 29

On 9th draw, JA M3 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JAI O1 36, JAR O1 36, FARE O1 33, FILA O1 33, FILE O1 33

On 10th draw, HARE O1 42 --- HARE to run [v]
Other tops: HERE O1 42, HORE O1 42
Other moves: LARE O1 33, LERE O1 33, LORE O1 33, HER O1 32, LARCH 5K 30

On 11th draw, SIDERITE 6D 65 --- SIDERITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: EST 15M 24, TICS 5L 24, ODIST O8 23, STEDDE 9E 23, ETIC 5K 22

On 12th draw, BATTENING J3 62 --- BATTEN to fasten with strips of wood [v]
Other moves: BEAT L1 37, GAB L2 35, NABE L2 35, TABI L2 35, EBBING 5G 34

On 13th draw, NAY L2 37 --- NAY a negative vote [n]
Other tops: AYE L3 37, AYU L3 37
Other moves: AY L3 35, ENNUYE 3C 26, AYU M6 24, NOSEY D4 24, UNSAY D4 24
AYE L3 37 roocatcher

On 14th draw, FIGO 5C 27 --- FIGO a rude gesture [n]
Other moves: GOWFS 11B 26, WAI K9 26, FLOW 11C 25, FIGOS 5A 24, FLOG 5B 24
ISO 15M 24 sunshine12
SO 15N 21 roocatcher

On 15th draw, FEM 4B 31 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other moves: FAME 7E 30, FEME 7E 30, FUMAGE 11B 29, FUMAGE 3C 28, FEG 4B 27
FEM 4B 31 roocatcher, sunshine12
EM 4C 23 lazy.lion

On 16th draw, NOR 3A 23 --- NOR and not [conj]
Other tops: ION 3A 23, LIN 3A 23, LOR 3A 23, RIN 3A 23
Other moves: IN 3B 21, ON 3B 21, OR 3B 21, NOIR I4 19, LORINER G8 17
NOR 3A 23 lazy.lion, bumpkin

On 17th draw, VRAICS 11A 24 --- VRAIC a seaweed used as a fertiliser [n]
Other tops: URICASE 14B 24, VICARS 11A 24
Other moves: DIVAS 15H 22, SIC 5L 22, VICAR 11B 22, CRUS M6 21, SI 15N 21
VAN A1 18 roocatcher

On 18th draw, VULGO A11 30 --- VULGO commonly [adv]
Other moves: LOGIN O7 21, GROIN B10 20, LOURING B8 20, IO 2A 18, LOGON 7A 18
UNGOD 9D 15 roocatcher

On 19th draw, WINNOW D10 32 --- WINNOW to free grain from impurities [v]
Other moves: OW 2A 30, UNWON 7A 22, WO G3 22, WOW G1 22, OW B14 21
OW 2A 30 sunshine12, lazy.lion, enzotiger

On 20th draw, GROOVY 14A 42 --- GROOVY marvellous [adj]
Other moves: GROOLY 14A 36, IVY G1 22, VLY G1 22, YO G3 22, YU G3 22
OY B14 21 sunshine12, lazy.lion

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