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Game on Mars 9, 2024 at 13:50, 6 players
1. 232 pts LongJump22
2. 198 pts queen66
3. 198 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeioow   H4    28    28   woodie
 2. aabeert   7A    63    91   teabread
 3. adeijnu   A4    60   151   junta
 4. ?deeiry  10B    83   234   yielder
 5. ?annouv   4A    26   260   java
 6. aeilnst   5E    82   342   insolate
 7. aabiltt   J1    64   406   battalia
 8. eelnost   1H    30   436   noblest
 9. imnnoos   9A    33   469   som
10. ehikntv   C9    36   505   mikveh
11. agiorty  12C    32   537   votary
12. degimuu   4J    32   569   tedium
13. nnoprsu  15A    37   606   urson
14. dhnopux  H12    42   648   yunx
15. aeiiopp  I13    26   674   poi
16. deeilnr   2B    72   746   redline
17. cceiopr   O4    39   785   meropic
18. agghiqw   1A    34   819   haw
19. cfggiqz   9G    38   857   fez
20. cfgggiq   3L    23   880   igg

Remaining tiles: cfgq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8484 FileLongJump22  3  3:33  -648  232     1.8484 LongJump22  3  3:33  -648  232 
  2.7810 Filequeen66     2  7:09  -682  198     2.8541 Zuincunx    0  2:18  -822   58 
  3.7680 Filemoonmonkey  2  7:57  -682  198            Group: advanced
  4.7671 FileMycophot    3  3:04  -739  141     1.7810 queen66     2  7:09  -682  198 
  5.  -  FileAEIOU55555  1  1:55  -820   60     2.7680 moonmonkey  2  7:57  -682  198 
  6.8541 FileZuincunx    0  2:18  -822   58     3.7671 Mycophot    3  3:04  -739  141 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AEIOU55555  1  1:55  -820   60 

On 1st draw, WOODIE H4 28 --- WOODIE a wood-panelled station wagon [n]
Other tops: BOWED H4 28
Other moves: BOWED H8 26, BOWIE H4 26, WOOED H4 26, BOODIE H4 24, BOOED H4 22
WOODIE H4 28 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, TEABREAD 7A 63 --- TEABREAD a loaf of cake containing dried fruit, dipped in cold tea before baking [n]
Other moves: AEROBAT 5E 36, BERATE 10F 27, BERET 10F 26, BEATER I5 25, REBATE 10H 25
TEABREAD 7A 63 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, JUNTA A4 60 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: JAUNTED A3 48, JAUNTIE A3 45, TAJINE A7 42, ADJOIN 6E 38, IDEA 8A 34
JUNTA A4 60 LongJump22, AEIOU55555

On 4th draw, YIE(L)DER 10B 83 --- YIELDER one that yields [n]
Other moves: REEDI(F)Y 10H 81, REEDI(L)Y 10H 81, BIRD(S)EYE D7 78, YIE(L)DER G9 75, REEDI(F)Y G9 65
REEDI(F)Y 10H 81 LongJump22

On 5th draw, J(A)VA 4A 26 --- JAVA coffee [n]
Other tops: JAV(A) 4A 26, JUV(E) 4A 26
Other moves: AV(I)ON B1 25, NOUN(S) I3 25, JOANN(A) 4A 24, JO(A)NNA 4A 24, JO(T)UNN 4A 24

On 6th draw, INSOLATE 5E 82 --- INSOLATE to expose to the sun's rays [v]
INSOLATE 5E 32 queen66, moonmonkey, Zuincunx

On 7th draw, BATTALIA J1 64 --- BATTALIA the main body of an army [n]
Other tops: BATTALIA J4 64
Other moves: BALTI 6J 29, BATTA 6J 29, BAAL 6J 26, BATT 6J 26, BITT 6J 26
LABIA 4J 26 Zuincunx, moonmonkey, queen66

On 8th draw, NOBLEST 1H 30 --- NOBLE possessing qualities of excellence [adj]
Other moves: SNOT 9A 28, SOLE 9A 28, BEENTO 1J 27, BELONS 1J 27, BENETS 1J 27
NOBLEST 1H 30 queen66, moonmonkey

On 9th draw, SOM 9A 33 --- SOM a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan [n]
Other moves: OMENS 9F 32, SOOM 9A 32, SOON 9A 28, TIMONS 4J 28, AMNION 8J 27

On 10th draw, MIKVEH C9 36 --- MIKVEH a place for ritual bathing by orthodox Jews [n]
Other moves: HIKE 4L 34, HIVE 4L 32, THINK K7 31, TINK 4L 30, HIKE K8 27
HIKE 4L 34 moonmonkey, queen66

On 11th draw, VOTARY 12C 32 --- VOTARY a person who is bound by religious vows [n]
Other moves: YAG B13 29, ORGY 4L 28, YAGI 4L 28, YOGA 4L 28, YOGI 4L 28

On 12th draw, TEDIUM 4J 32 --- TEDIUM the state of being tedious [n]
Other moves: MIDGE M3 30, MUDGE M3 30, TEDIUM N1 30, MED B13 26, MEG B13 26

On 13th draw, URSON 15A 37 --- URSON a porcupine [n]
Other moves: OPS 15A 34, POS 15A 34, PUS 15A 34, UPS 15A 34, OPENS 9F 32
PUS 15A 34 queen66
POS 15A 34 moonmonkey

On 14th draw, YUNX H12 42 --- YUNX a genus of small birds [n]
Other moves: OX 3L 40, HOX 2M 35, HEX 9G 34, POH 3M 33, YODH H12 33
YUNX H12 42 queen66, moonmonkey

On 15th draw, POI I13 26 --- POI a Hawaiian food [n]
Other moves: APPEAR G7 24, PAR B13 24, PER B13 24, POA 3M 24, OHIA 14B 22

On 16th draw, REDLINE 2B 72 --- REDLINE to withhold loans or insurance from certain neighborhoods [v]
Other moves: REDLINE K8 68, RELINED K8 68, UNDERLIE N4 65, ERMINED O2 30, AEDILE 8J 27
ERMINED O2 30 Mycophot

On 17th draw, MEROPIC O4 39 --- MEROPIA partial blindness [adj] --- MEROPIC pertaining to meropia [adj]
Other moves: COPE 1A 37, REPO 1A 31, ROPE 1A 31, MOPIER O4 30, CERO 1A 29
MEROPIC O4 39 Mycophot

On 18th draw, HAW 1A 34 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other moves: THIG 3J 32, TWIG 3J 32, HAW 2M 27, WAR B13 27, WHIG K8 27
HAW 1A 34 Mycophot

On 19th draw, FEZ 9G 38 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: G(L)ITZ E9 28, IGG 3L 23, FEG 9G 22, FIZ K7 22, QI M3 22
FEZ 9G 38 Mycophot

On 20th draw, IGG 3L 23 --- IGG to ignore (slang), IGGED, IGGING, IGGS [v]
Other moves: QI M3 22, FINO 14F 15, IF 14E 15, FIG K7 14, IF 2N 14

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