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Game on Mars 27, 2024 at 07:04, 15 players
1. 496 pts fatcat
2. 204 pts Chelsea
3. 140 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abginrs   H2    76    76   sabring
 2. eehinst   8A    89   165   sheeting
 3. almopwx   I1    44   209   moxa
 4. ?bdefou   C7    90   299   befouled
 5. ?eegltu   J2    82   381   tegulae
 6. achirrt   A1    92   473   triarchs
 7. aeenoru  12B    66   539   aleurone
 8. aaeopsv   5E    62   601   oversup
 9. adlotwy  14A    44   645   waddly
10. acnoqrt  13I    33   678   tranq
11. aaeiotv  15F    32   710   aviate
12. ilorsuy   L3    39   749   rosily
13. ijmnouw  11I    36   785   jow
14. adeekmt  10J    41   826   kame
15. deginno   B7    32   858   ohed
16. egilnou  14J    39   897   eloign
17. dfiptuz   8L    48   945   yutz
18. cdfiinp  O12    36   981   find

Remaining tiles: ciinp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6467 Filefatcat      1 13:15  -485  496     1.8688 LongJump22  2  4:08  -841  140 
  2.7370 FileChelsea     2  5:17  -777  204     2.8719 Quincunx    0  0:50  -949   32 
  3.8688 FileLongJump22  2  4:08  -841  140     3.8498 Vuincunx    0  1:09  -949   32 
  4.6801 Filebabsbedi    1  3:48  -853  128     4.8235 Wuincunx    0  1:29  -949   32 
  5.7725 Filequeen66     1  1:10  -940   41     5.8586 Zuincunx    0  1:50  -949   32 
  6.7750 Filesicilianc5  0  1:21  -946   35            Group: advanced
  7.7746 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:36  -946   35     1.7370 Chelsea     2  5:17  -777  204 
  8.7674 FileMycophot    0  1:50  -946   35     2.7725 queen66     1  1:10  -940   41 
  9.8719 FileQuincunx    0  0:50  -949   32     3.7750 sicilianc5  0  1:21  -946   35 
 10.8498 FileVuincunx    0  1:09  -949   32     4.7746 moonmonkey  0  1:36  -946   35 
 11.8235 FileWuincunx    0  1:29  -949   32     5.7674 Mycophot    0  1:50  -946   35 
 12.8586 FileZuincunx    0  1:50  -949   32            Group: intermediate
 13.6970 FileHammer22    0  0:49  -957   24     1.6467 fatcat      1 13:15  -485  496 
 14.6869 FileDiscus22    0  1:07  -957   24     2.6801 babsbedi    1  3:48  -853  128 
 15.6813 FileShotPut22   0  1:27  -957   24     3.6970 Hammer22    0  0:49  -957   24 
                                             4.6869 Discus22    0  1:07  -957   24 
                                             5.6813 ShotPut22   0  1:27  -957   24 

On 1st draw, SABRING H2 76 --- SABRE to strike with a type of sword [v]
Other moves: SABRING H6 74, SABRING H3 72, SABRING H4 72, SABRING H7 72, SABRING H8 72
BARING H4 24 fatcat

On 2nd draw, SHEETING 8A 89 --- SHEETING material in the form of sheets [n]
Other tops: SEETHING 8A 89
Other moves: HENNIEST 7F 64, HENNIEST 7E 63, HENRIES 5E 40, THEREIN 5E 40, THEES I2 31
SHIRE 5E 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, MOXA I1 44 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: WOX I1 40, AX 9B 39, OX 9B 39, POX I1 39, LOX I1 37
POX I1 39 fatcat

On 4th draw, BEFOU(L)ED C7 90 --- BEFOUL to foul [v]
Other moves: BEFOU(L)ED C2 80, BEFOU(L)ED D2 76, BEFOU(L)ED D7 76, BE(M)UD J2 42, (A)BED J1 42
FOE G3 34 fatcat

On 5th draw, TEGUL(A)E J2 82 --- TEGULA a scale on the wings of insects [n]
Other moves: TEGUL(A)E J4 68, TUTEL(A)GE E6 66, TUTEL(A)GE E8 66, UNGE(N)TLE 7G 65, UNGE(N)TLE G7 65
LEG J2 27 fatcat

On 6th draw, TRIARCHS A1 92 --- TRIARCH a ruler of a triarchy [n]
Other moves: TRIARCH K7 77, TRIARCH K8 76, ERIACH 8J 36, HAIR K5 29, HART K5 29
CHART E4 20 fatcat

On 7th draw, A(L)EURONE 12B 66 --- ALEURONE protein matter found in the seeds of certain plants [n]
Other moves: RANEE D11 21, NARE B11 19, RANEE K5 19, AEON B1 18, ENDEAR 14A 18
ROUTE E5 10 fatcat

On 8th draw, OVERSUP 5E 62 --- OVERSUP to sup to excess [v]
Other moves: SPAE K4 30, HEP B8 29, HOP B8 29, VESPA J10 28, PASEO K5 27
NAVE H12 21 fatcat

On 9th draw, WADDLY 14A 44 --- WADDLY having or being a waddling gait [adj]
Other moves: ODDLY 14B 36, HOW B8 35, HOY B8 35, YAW 11E 35, YOW 11E 35
HOY B8 35 fatcat

On 10th draw, TRANQ 13I 33 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: TRANQ K7 31, TRANQ 11I 30, TRANQ K8 30, EARCON 8J 27, ACORN 15F 26
TRANQ 11I 30 fatcat

On 11th draw, AVIATE 15F 32 --- AVIATE to fly an aircraft [v]
Other moves: OVATE 15F 29, AVIATE 11H 26, OVATE 11H 24, AVA 15F 23, AVE 15F 23
AVIATE 15F 32 LongJump22
ET 15A 23 fatcat

On 12th draw, ROSILY L3 39 --- ROSILY in a rosy manner [adv]
Other moves: YOURS L1 37, HOY B8 35, LOUSY N10 35, OY 15A 35, ROSILY 2A 34
LOUSY N10 35 Chelsea
ROILY 14K 32 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
ROSY N11 29 fatcat

On 13th draw, JOW 11I 36 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: HOW B8 35, OW 15A 35, JOIN 11I 32, JOMON 10B 32, JO 12K 31
JOW 11I 36 Chelsea
HOW B8 35 LongJump22, sicilianc5, moonmonkey, Mycophot
JO 12K 31 fatcat

On 14th draw, KAME 10J 41 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: KADE 10J 40, KAED 10J 40, KAM 10J 40, KAE 10J 38, KAT 10J 38
KAME 10J 41 LongJump22, Chelsea, queen66
REAKED 2A 30 fatcat

On 15th draw, OHED B7 32 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: ED 15A 27, NUDGE 11B 27, OD 15A 27, UNGOD 11C 27, REDING 2A 24
OD 15A 27 fatcat, Chelsea
ED 15A 27 babsbedi

On 16th draw, ELOIGN 14J 39 --- ELOIGN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other moves: ELOIN 14J 35, OLEIN 14J 35, GUILE 14K 29, EUOI 14J 27, LOIN 14K 24
LOIN 14K 24 Chelsea
NOIL 14K 24 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
YOGI 8L 24 babsbedi
EN 15A 23 fatcat

On 17th draw, YUTZ 8L 48 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: PUTZ 2L 42, FIZ 4C 41, FIND O12 36, FUND O12 36, DITZ F7 34
FIZ 4C 41 Chelsea, fatcat, babsbedi

On 18th draw, FIND O12 36 --- FIND to come upon after a search [v]
Other moves: FINI O12 33, PIC 2L 26, PIN 2L 22, AVIATED 15F 19, NOD L13 19
FIND O12 36 babsbedi, fatcat

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