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Game on Mars 31, 2024 at 14:20, 8 players
1. 212 pts LongJump22
2. 74 pts Quincunx
3. 61 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadhisw   H8    34    34   dawahs
 2. ?elouvx   I7    54    88   voxel
 3. aabeloo   G9    34   122   lobe
 4. ?benorw  10F    77   199   bowerwomen
 5. ?iostuv   O4    92   291   viscount
 6. eegiirt  11D    20   311   tribal
 7. aeinoot   K9    20   331   twoonie
 8. adiimpr  15E    95   426   impaired
 9. adeirtz  12A    50   476   zeta
10. deglmos  14A    44   520   seldom
11. egijnpr   A8    45   565   grenz
12. aefginq   B7    33   598   nief
13. acgjory  12K    46   644   oracy
14. aaegnsu   C3    81   725   guanase
15. acikntu   4C    34   759   untack
16. degiloy   F1    69   828   idealogy
17. ehipqrt   1B    39   867   pithier
18. aefijuu   E4    33   900   taj

Remaining tiles: efiquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8664 FileLongJump22  3  2:47  -688  212     1.8664 LongJump22  3  2:47  -688  212 
  2.8683 FileQuincunx    0  2:52  -826   74     2.8683 Quincunx    0  2:52  -826   74 
  3.8624 FileVuincunx    0  3:01  -839   61     3.8624 Vuincunx    0  3:01  -839   61 
  4.  -  FileOOO333      1  1:58  -846   54            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileHHH333      1  0:47  -866   34     1.  -  OOO333      1  1:58  -846   54 
  6.  -  FileSSS333      1  1:09  -866   34     2.  -  HHH333      1  0:47  -866   34 
  7.  -  FileDDD333      1  1:32  -866   34     3.  -  SSS333      1  1:09  -866   34 
  8.  -  FileAAA333      1  1:53  -866   34     4.  -  DDD333      1  1:32  -866   34 
                                             5.  -  AAA333      1  1:53  -866   34 

On 1st draw, DAWAHS H8 34 --- DAWAH (Arabic) the practice of educating non-believers about the practice of Islam [n]
Other tops: DAWISH H7 34
Other moves: DAWAH H8 32, WHIDS H4 32, AWASH H8 30, DAWAHS H4 30, DAWISH H4 30
DAWISH H7 34 LongJump22, HHH333, SSS333, DDD333, AAA333

On 2nd draw, VOXEL I7 54 --- VOXEL a three dimensional equivalent to a pixel (a point in a computer image) [n]
Other moves: VOXE(L) I7 52, VOX(E)L I7 52, V(O)XEL I7 52, LOXE(D) I7 46, LOXE(S) I7 46
VOXEL I7 54 LongJump22, OOO333

On 3rd draw, LOBE G9 34 --- LOBE a rounded, projecting anatomical part [n]
Other tops: LOBO G9 34
Other moves: BALOO J10 32, BALE G7 31, BAAL J10 29, BAEL J10 29, BALE J10 29
BALOO J10 32 LongJump22, Quincunx

On 4th draw, BOWERWO(M)EN 10F 77 --- BOWERWOMEN
Other moves: RENOW(N) J10 33, RE(N)OWN J10 33, RE(S)OWN J10 33, REN(E)W J10 32, RE(S)OW J10 32

On 5th draw, VIS(C)OUNT O4 92 --- VISCOUNT a British nobleman [n]
Other tops: VO(L)UTINS O4 92
Other moves: VI(R)TUOSO L3 72, VI(R)TUOSO L5 72, VO(L)U(M)IST M6 72, VO(M)ITOUS L5 72, VO(M)IT(O)US M8 70
VIS(C)OUNT O4 92 LongJump22
VIS(C)OUNT O4 42 Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 6th draw, TRIBAL 11D 20 --- TRIBAL a member of an aboriginal people of India [n] --- TRIBAL pertaining to a tribe [adj]
Other moves: ERE 11K 19, EE 11K 16, ER 11K 16, RERIG J10 16, REWET K8 16
ERE 11K 19 Vuincunx

On 7th draw, TWOONIE K9 20 --- TWOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: ONE 11K 19, ONO 11K 19, TOWNIE K8 18, TWONIE K9 18, AWETO K9 16

On 8th draw, IMPAIRED 15E 95 --- IMPAIR to damage or weaken [v]
Other moves: DAMPIER 15F 39, PRIMED 15G 39, RAMPED 15G 39, AMPED 15H 36, DAMPER 15G 36

On 9th draw, ZETA 12A 50 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: ZATI 12A 50, ZITE 12A 50
Other moves: IZARDS 13C 46, AZIDE 14B 43, ZERDA 14B 43, ZERDAS 6J 38, ZAIRES 6J 37

On 10th draw, SELDOM 14A 44 --- SELDOM infrequent [adj]
Other moves: ZEDS A12 42, ZELS A12 39, ZOLS A12 39, MODGES 12J 34, GOLEMS 12J 32

On 11th draw, GRENZ A8 45 --- GRENZ as in grenz rays, X-rays of long wavelength produced in a device when electrons are accelerated through 25 kilovolts or less [adj]
Other moves: JI(M)PER M8 30, JEE B10 26, PEND L12 26, PER(M)ING M7 26, JONG 12J 24

On 12th draw, NIEF B7 33 --- NIEF the fist [n]
Other moves: FAND L12 30, FEND L12 30, FAE B10 29, FEE B10 29, EF B9 28

On 13th draw, ORACY 12K 46 --- ORACY skill in oral communication [n]
Other moves: ORACY C3 37, GOORY L8 36, GOARY C3 35, JAY 12M 35, JOY 12M 35

On 14th draw, GUANASE C3 81 --- GUANASE an enzyme [n]
Other moves: GUANASE C1 71, ENGS C7 27, AGES C7 25, AUNES C6 24, ANES C7 23

On 15th draw, UNTACK 4C 34 --- UNTACK to remove a tack from [v]
Other tops: UNTUCK 4C 34
Other moves: KAIN D1 33, KNIT D1 33, KNUT D1 33, TANK B2 27, CAUK 4A 26

On 16th draw, IDEALOGY F1 69 --- IDEALOGY a systematic body of ideas IDEATE [n]
Other moves: YOLKED H1 42, YLIKE H1 36, YELK H1 33, YOLK H1 33, GLIKE H1 30

On 17th draw, PITHIER 1B 39 --- PITHY concise [adj]
Other moves: PITHIER 1E 36, HE 15A 32, SHINER 13H 32, ELHI 5E 31, PERK H1 30

On 18th draw, TAJ E4 33 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: IF 15A 26, JA 2A 26, JA E6 21, JIAO 8L 19, CAFE N12 18

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