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Game on April 24, 2024 at 04:25, 1 player
1. 126 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceilrw   H4    28    28   clawer
 2. deghstu  10F    29    57   gushed
 3. ?aiinno  11I    75   132   anionic
 4. aaeelmt   5E    90   222   malleate
 5. eeforss   O7    83   305   frescoes
 6. adiortv   M7    32   337   virando
 7. abeersv  14G    82   419   beavers
 8. ?ddeotz  15C    88   507   azoted
 9. bgilnow  12D    88   595   bowling
10. aeijrty   4J    47   642   jay
11. aeeghno   6J    32   674   gen
12. aefiopt  11C    28   702   fop
13. eikmnor   4A    36   738   mikron
14. ahiortu   8B    62   800   thiourea
15. ailpttx  13C    41   841   pix
16. aeintty   B1    34   875   entity
17. adeiiqu  10B    36   911   qi
18. acdeilt   1A   158  1069   delicate

Remaining tiles: uu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7012 Fileroocatcher  1  3:16  -943  126     1.7012 roocatcher  1  3:16  -943  126 

On 1st draw, CLAWER H4 28 --- CLAWER one that claws [n]
Other moves: CRAWL H4 26, WAILER H4 26, WALIER H4 26, CLAWER H3 24, CLAWER H7 24

On 2nd draw, GUSHED 10F 29 --- GUSH to flow forth forcefully [v]
Other tops: GHEST 10E 29
Other moves: HEST 10F 27, SUGHED 10H 27, THUS 10E 27, GUSTED 10F 26, GUTSED 10E 26
GHEST 10E 29 roocatcher

On 3rd draw, ANIONI(C) 11I 75 --- ANION a negatively charged ion [adj] --- ANIONIC pertaining to an anion [adj]
Other moves: ANI(C)ONIC 4A 70, A(M)NIONIC 4A 70, CONI(D)IAN 4H 70, ANICONI(C) 4E 68, INAC(T)ION 4E 68

On 4th draw, MALLEATE 5E 90 --- MALLEATE to hammer [v]
Other moves: MALEATE 12D 79, MALEATE 12C 76, MALLEATE 5F 70, TEEM 12I 33, METE 12I 31

On 5th draw, FRES(C)OES O7 83 --- FRESCO to paint on a surface of plaster [v]
Other moves: FORESEES L2 74, FORESEES 8B 62, FORESEES 8C 62, FORESEES 8E 62, FESSE 12H 41

On 6th draw, VIRANDO M7 32 --- VIRANDO a type of porch [n]
Other moves: AVOID M1 30, AIDOI N10 29, AVID M2 28, DAVITS 14J 28, DIVOTS 14J 28

On 7th draw, BEAVERS 14G 82 --- BEAVER to work hard [v]
Other tops: BEAVERS 12C 82
Other moves: BEREAVES 8B 64, VERSES 14J 46, BRASES 14J 40, BEAVER 4J 34, CABERS 4H 32
VERBS M1 31 roocatcher

On 8th draw, (A)ZOTED 15C 88 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other moves: ZO(N)ED 15D 85, DOZED 15D 67, ZEE(S) H12 66, ZOE(A) H12 66, D(A)ZED 15D 64
ZEE(S) H12 66 roocatcher

On 9th draw, BOWLING 12D 88 --- BOWLING a game in which balls are rolled at objects [n]
Other tops: BLOWING 12D 88
Other moves: BLOWING 12C 85, BOWLING 12C 85, BLOW 4L 34, BLOW 6C 34, BOW 6D 33

On 10th draw, JAY 4J 47 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: RAJ 11C 42, TAJ 11C 42, JAY 11C 40, JAY 6D 38, JEAT 4J 37

On 11th draw, GEN 6J 32 --- GEN as in gen up, to brief, GENNED, GENNING, GENS [v] --- GEN information obtained from study [n]
Other tops: NOAH 6C 32
Other moves: NAH 6D 31, NOH 6D 31, AH 6E 30, EH 6E 30, HENGE 3K 30

On 12th draw, FOP 11C 28 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other tops: FAP 11C 28, FEAT 3K 28, FETA 3K 28
Other moves: FET 3K 26, PEAT 3K 25, TAPE 13C 25, TOPE 13C 25, ATOP 11B 24

On 13th draw, MIKRON 4A 36 --- MIKRON a unit of length [n]
Other moves: MERK 3K 33, KIORE 4A 32, KOINE 4A 32, KRONE 4A 32, MINKE 4A 32

On 14th draw, THIOUREA 8B 62 --- THIOUREA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: TAHOU 13C 43, HOUR 13E 33, MAHOUT A4 33, MOHAIR A4 33, HOA 6F 30

On 15th draw, PIX 13C 41 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other tops: PAX 13C 41
Other moves: AXIL 10A 37, LAX 13C 37, TAX 13C 37, TIX 13C 37, PANAX F2 36

On 16th draw, ENTITY B1 34 --- ENTITY the basic essential nature of something [n]
Other moves: ATIMY A1 30, ETYMA A1 30, YENTA 3K 30, YEAN 3K 28, YETI 3K 28

On 17th draw, QI 10B 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAID 9A 26, QI 14B 26, UMIAQ A3 25, QI 7D 24, QI 8L 21

On 18th draw, DELICATE 1A 158 --- DELICATE a delicacy [n]
Other moves: DEICE 1A 33, DELTAIC 1A 33, EDICTAL 1B 33, CEILED 1A 30, DECEIT 1A 30

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